17 August 2014

Another surpriseeee..for Amani

Demi menyelamatkan my own lovely super canggih handphone..yg amani dok buat macam harta sendiri tu...I bought this Lenovo tablet for her...ermmmm actually not only for her...for anis and for myself jugakkkk...senang le ibu nak layan drama or movie nanti... .muahahahahaha..

Beli pon spec yg paling murah...tak mampu ler mak korang ni nak beli yg mahal and canggih kannn..sekali kena hempuk ngan amani..hahh naya..nangis tak berlagu gituuu..

Dulu2 pernah beli...yg murah..cap ayam..not bad..tahan gak le sethn lebih kot..sekali tu..amani mengamuk...kena hempuk trus screen crack...pegi tanya kat kedai..klu repair dlm rm150...hohohoho..tak berbaloi kotttt.. .baik aku bli baru je kan...

Since skrg ni amani dah mcm ok skit..dah bleh control addiction dia main game....dah nak dengar ckp ibu ayah ni..when i said stop the game..she'll stop, gimme the phone..she'll give u the phone..or bak sini phone tu..ibu nak call or nak check message..she'll give u the phone....alhamdullilah la kan...compare to dulu-dulu...tablet amani tablet dia, phone ibu phone amani, phone ayah phone amani, phone anis phone smani jugakkk.....haihh..lagi parah..tangan main game, tv pasang channel cartoon dia, computer pon on..tgk upin ipin...fuhhh..stresss btul layan dia...now no more sifat tamak haloba itu....hehehe



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