19 August 2007


Last weekend bawak anis and amani pegi expo penternakan dan pertanian kat di seremban. Si ayahnye suka bab2 pertanian dan penternakan nih...setelah di gembar-gemburkan cerita pasal expo nih by atuk and nenek anis, kitaorg pon pegilar...

Ada kuda untuk ditunggang, ada burung unta, kambing..segala jenis kambing..lembu ade...landak pun ade. Amani excited giler tengok binatang tuh..Anis lak takut-takut. Si Anis nih memang..semua benda dia takut...

Amani siap ketuk2 kepala..tendang2 kambing and lembu..sbb dia geram derang wat derk je kat dia...hahahah...siap panjat pagar tuh...

one thing..memang kiut giler kambing2 nih tapi... ucuk arr..kite tak tahan....

Amani tgh geram...kambing tuh wat derk je kat dia..sesuka hati je nak penendang kambing tuh...hahahahha..

panjat dik..panjat..jgn tak panjat...

Si Anis punya lah penakut...nak bergambar pun tunggu lembu tidor dulu...dah tuh..duduk jauh sebatu.

17 August 2007

Absence seizures

Ini lah penyakit Amani. Salah satu katogeri sawan....

Absence seizures are generalised seizures, affecting both sides of the brain at once. However, they do not affect the entire brain. This type of seizure usually affects children, most commonly beginning between the ages of six and 12. It is very rare in adults.

During an absence seizure the child stops what they are doing, loses awareness of their surroundings and stares. It can appear to onlookers that they are daydreaming or switching off. However, the child cannot be alerted or woken up, because they are momentarily unconscious.
Around half of children who have absences may also display other symptoms during the seizure, such as smacking their lips, chewing, swallowing repeatedly or fiddling with their clothes. Their eyelids may also flicker slightly.

When an absence is over, the child is unlikely to be aware of what has happened, but may have the feeling that they have ‘missed' something. Most children do not feel tired or ill after this type of seizure.

Absence seizures generally only last for a few seconds. They can happen several times a day. Some children may have hundreds of them during a day, although this is rare. However, if the seizures are very brief they can be difficult to spot.
The old name for absence seizures is petit mal, which roughly translated means small illness. This name makes them sound fairly harmless and, for many, they are little more than an occasional nuisance. However, when absences occur frequently they can make life very confusing.

When absences occur, the child misses out on tiny snippets of information. This can affect their ability to learn and also to understand instructions. For example, they might hear the first part of a sentence but not the end, so they hear the instruction to go out and play but not the instruction to be back in ten minutes. When they do not return as requested, this can be easily misinterpreted as misbehaviour.

Therefore, it is not unusual for parents and teachers to lose patience with the child unless it becomes obvious that something more serious is causing this behaviour.
Most absence seizures respond well to
anti-epileptic drug treatment, usually sodium valproate or ethosuximide. Sometimes lamotrigine can be effective. The majority of children with typical absence seizures will grow out of them by puberty. Some children may go on to experience tonic-clonic seizures later in life.

Like many
generalised seizures, doctors can rarely say why a child develops absences, although between 25 and 40 per cent of children with absences have relatives who have experienced similar seizures.

14 August 2007

Tugu Negara

Last weekend..bawak anis and amani pegi Tugu Negara. Padang dia best... luas and rata...and tak ramai orang compare to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa or Tasik Permaisuri.

Layan main bola and lari2 panjat bukit...Amani sampai 3-4 kali tertonggeng..Anis gelak besar sbb Amani byk kali makan rumput....

Penat main..Anis dengan hobby baru dia...snap gambar...Amani buat hal dia ler...naik turun bukit tuh..tak tau penat betullah...

Amani layan turun bukit sambil berlari...

Ada talent main bola sepak/futsal

Anis merajuk..asyik kena buli dengan ayah...terus dia bawak lari bola

Amani dah tukar seluar..dia geli seluar dia penuh dengan kemucup..

Anis posing maut...hehehehe

bagi ikan makan.....

12 August 2007

Anis's new hobby

Anis's new hobby is taking photos....kat bawah nih semuanye gambar2 yg Anis snapped. Dah macam Japanese tourist pulak...terrer lak tuh zoom in zoom out...aku dulu umur 5 tahun bengap lagik pasal benda2 nih..heheeh...boleh lar train dia jadi professional photographer...

11 August 2007

Future Professional Futsal Player

Amani makan rumput

09 August 2007

H@PpY BeSd@y To Nurul Anis - 05/07/2007

Birthday Cake yg ya amat susah nak carik...mana si Anis nih tahu tah..this kind of cake.....

Ni besday cake yg dibawa ke sekolah anis. Once a month kat sekolah dia ade birthday celebration.

At Genting First World....saje bawak anak-anak jalan-jalan.....

Suka dpt naik benda alah nih......

p/s....heppy besday to Kak Da aka Mak Njang.....my sister yg skrg nih tgh wat Master kat USM.....
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