Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Hulu Langat (PKKI)
Amani dah enrolled kat PKKI nih....since July 2009. So far she can cope and happy...
What is this PKKI?...
PKKI established as a day training and rehabilitation centre regiastred as a non-profit making NGO. Its was started by a group of desparate parents of children with special needs adn had no-one and no-where to turn to for help.
Programme Available
* Early Interventipn programme (EIP)
* Individual and Group Teaching
* Pre-Kinder
* Pre-Vocational
* physiotherapy and Speech Therapy
Why Amani been registered here?
Bab ni...susah nak cakap...ramai tanya..kenapa Amani kena pg ke special school.....dia OK jer...
bagi aku, memang Amani perlu ke EIP nih..sebab dia still kurang bercakap...and ada few fine motor skills yg dia kureng...
Ada jugak org cakap...."anak aku dulu...umur 6 thn baru nak cakap...biasa lar tuh budak2...releks ler..lama2 pandai ler tuh.."....ermmm...bab nih aku tak setuju lar....
Masa umur Amani 3 thn,,,doctor kata dia delayed as age 2 years old.....baru2 nih (Amani 4 tgn setengah) pg assesment lagi...bukan satu....4 tempat yg buat assesment...Kat CDC HuKM, kat occupational therapy, kat speech therapy and kat PKKI....semua kata she's delayed as at 2 yrs old age..
ERmmmm.....there's something wrong somewhere already...umur dah 4 thn setengah still as 2 yrs old age....i have to do something oredi....
kat CDC HUKM suggest PKKI nih...memula PKKI tak nak accept..sbb Amani dr segi fizikalnyer mmg bila dah assess...then they agreed that Amani need a stepping stone for her before she goes to normal kindergarden...With more brain stimulations....harap2 Amani can catch far...alhamdullilah...ada byk jugak improvement.....
At least Amani can sing lagu row row yr boat...siap ngan gaya...eventho tak full sentences..
Row row yr boat version Amani..
What is this PKKI?...
PKKI established as a day training and rehabilitation centre regiastred as a non-profit making NGO. Its was started by a group of desparate parents of children with special needs adn had no-one and no-where to turn to for help.
Programme Available
* Early Interventipn programme (EIP)
* Individual and Group Teaching
* Pre-Kinder
* Pre-Vocational
* physiotherapy and Speech Therapy
Why Amani been registered here?
Bab ni...susah nak cakap...ramai tanya..kenapa Amani kena pg ke special school.....dia OK jer...
bagi aku, memang Amani perlu ke EIP nih..sebab dia still kurang bercakap...and ada few fine motor skills yg dia kureng...
Ada jugak org cakap...."anak aku dulu...umur 6 thn baru nak cakap...biasa lar tuh budak2...releks ler..lama2 pandai ler tuh.."....ermmm...bab nih aku tak setuju lar....
Masa umur Amani 3 thn,,,doctor kata dia delayed as age 2 years old.....baru2 nih (Amani 4 tgn setengah) pg assesment lagi...bukan satu....4 tempat yg buat assesment...Kat CDC HuKM, kat occupational therapy, kat speech therapy and kat PKKI....semua kata she's delayed as at 2 yrs old age..
ERmmmm.....there's something wrong somewhere already...umur dah 4 thn setengah still as 2 yrs old age....i have to do something oredi....
kat CDC HUKM suggest PKKI nih...memula PKKI tak nak accept..sbb Amani dr segi fizikalnyer mmg bila dah assess...then they agreed that Amani need a stepping stone for her before she goes to normal kindergarden...With more brain stimulations....harap2 Amani can catch far...alhamdullilah...ada byk jugak improvement.....
At least Amani can sing lagu row row yr boat...siap ngan gaya...eventho tak full sentences..
Row row yr boat version Amani..