28 October 2009

More info on Dyslexia

What does a dyslexic person see when she reads? (source from :http://www.dyslexia.com)

There is no single pattern of difficulty that affects all dyslexic people. A dyslexic person might have any of the following problems:

* She might see some letters as backwards or upside down;
* She might see text appearing to jump around on a page;
* She might not be able to tell the difference between letters that look similar in shape such as o and e and c ;
* She might not be able to tell the difference between letters that have similar shape but different orientation, such as b and p and d and q ;
* The letters might look all jumbled up and out of order;
* The letters and words might look all bunched together;
* The letters of some words might appear completely backwards, such as the word bird looking like drib ;
* The letters and words might look o.k., but the dyslexic person might get a severe headache or feel sick to her stomach every time she tries to read;
* She might see the letters o.k., but not be able to sound out words -- that is, not be able to connect the letters to the sounds they make and understand them;
* She might be able to connect the letters and sound out words, but not recognize words she has seen before, no matter how many times she has seen them -- each time she would have to start fresh;
* She might be able to read the words o.k. but not be able to make sense of or remember what she reads, so that she finds herself coming back to read the same passage over and over again.

A dyslexic person could have any of the above symptoms -- or none ! It is possible for a dyslexic person to be able to read very well, yet find it extremely difficult or impossible to write or spell . Sometimes the writing problem is called 'dysgraphia' instead of 'dyslexia' - but we find that often these symptoms stem from the same underlying causes as dyslexia.

It is important to understand that when a dyslexic person *sees* letters or words reversed or mixed up, there is usually nothing wrong with her eyes. The problem is in the way the mind interprets what the eyes see -- like an optical illusion, except this mismatch between what illusion and reality happens with ordinary print on a page.

18 October 2009

Wall painting by Amani..hehehehe

Actually..dinding ni dah lama kena conteng by Amani...masa tuh baru seminggu cat...uhukk..uhuk...uhukkkkk

16 October 2009

Amani berjaya mengatasi perasaan takut......

yess...yess...Amani berjayaaa.....sebelum nih Amani takut naik kereta mainan yg tolak2 ngan kaki tuh...maybe sbb masa kecik dia pernah terlentang naik menda alah tuh....tp since last week...Amani dah berani naik..memula tolak sekali dua jer...pastu lelama dia dah berani....

Tapi, semalam dia terlentang lagi...ada ke patut..keta tuh nak di wheelly nye...risau gak..takut dia phobia lagi...but so far dia releks jer...dia still leh layan naik...alhamdullilah...

09 October 2009


Latest updates on Amani, she's been diagnosed as DYSLEXIA ....

What is dyslexia?

* Dyslexia is a common "specific learning disability".
* The child has problems mastering school tasks despite
o Putting in good effort
o Having normal intelligence
o Having adequate stimulation or learning instruction.

* There is a basic problem in the way the brain works, that of connecting symbols (visual) and their sounds (auditory).
* Problems include difficulties in
o Reading
o Writing
o Comprehension
o Spelling
o Mathematics

* There are no available statistics for Malaysia but it is estimated that 4% - 8 % of school going children have dyslexia.
* More boys than girls are affected than girls.

What are the common features of dyslexia?

1. Among preschoolers, they may have :
* Delayed speech
* Difficulties with pronunciation or rhymes
* Problems writing their names
* Difficulties in learning shapes or colours
* Inability to retell events of a story

2. Among school going children, they may :
* Fail to master school work like reading, writing, spelling or mathematics
* Dislike reading books and avoid reading aloud in class
* Have a tendency to reverse letters, words or numbers. e.g.:
o 15 with 51
o 'Was' with 'saw'
o 'b' with 'd'
* Lack coordination like having difficulties tying school shoelace
* Be confused with time concept such as "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow"
* Have difficulties in understanding, remembering or following instructions
* Have tendency to misplace or lose school items or homework

Are there any strengths with being dyslexics?

* Gifted dyslexics include some famous politicians (e.g. Lee Kuan Yew), performers (e.g. Whoopi Goldberg), artists (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci) and scientists (e.g. Albert Einstein)
* Some are very imaginative and creative
* Many are multi-dimensional thinkers
* They can also be very good with hand skills or sports

What are potential problems with dyslexics?

* They are often mislabelled as lazy, stupid or slow
* There is risk to a healthy self image as the child may develop poor self esteem
* If detection and management are delayed, the child may develop
o Emotional complications (eg depression)
o Behavioural problems (eg oppositional, conduct problems)
o Academic under-achievement (eg school drop-out)

How can children with dyslexia be helped?

A few strategies can be employed. They are :

1. Helping the child and family cope and build the child's self confidence

2. Treatment of other associated problems such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

3. Maximising the child's learning potential via
* Speech therapy
* Computer Assisted Auditory Training
* Multisensory Approach (Using other senses to aid learning)
1. Touch senses e.g. sand paper tracing
2. Hearing senses e.g. musical rhythms or sound of words or letters
3. Feeling movements of lips
4. Writing letters or words

4. Remedial measures
* Helping the child to master small units of information
* Repetition during teaching (over-teaching)
* Using video or audio tapes for learning

5. Rehabiltation :
Special programs may be available at certain special education centres.

Support groups

Persatuan Dyslexia Malaysia
No 6, Persiaran Kuantan
53200 Kuala Lumpur
Telefon / Fax : 03-40255109
Email : dyslexiaft@time.net.my

Prospect Rainbow Center
1D Jalan Pantai Molek,
Tel: 04- 8900870

01 October 2009

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri..2009

Ni bergambar ngan Abg Long, Amani suka bodek abg long sbb nak naik motor pusing kampung ngan abg long..hehehehhe

Ni muka tak puas hati...sbb kena paksa pakai baju kurung....rasanyer tak sampai 2 jam Amani pakai baju kurung tuh....sabar jer lar....