27 February 2010

Trip to The Woods Resort, Ulu Yam 14-15/02/2010

To celebrate Amani's birthday, we went to woods resort @ Ulu Yam. Stayed there for one night. Overall that place so-so only...`

10 February 2010

Amani cakap mandarin....hehehehehhe

Ari tuh kat umah...Anis and Amani tgh main..I tengah masak kat dapur....suddenly Anis jerit..ibu Amani cakap cina dgn kakak...ak? terkojot den...Amani cakap apa?....Amani said.."lai chiang hua"..(something sounds like that)..maksudnyer... datang cakap dgn saya...ini Anis punya translation la...direct translation...hehehe

Ada lagi satu ayat yg Amani sebut is bu yau chao. Tanya Anis betul ke tuh..anis kata betul, it means...jgn bising/jgn cakap...camtu lar lebih kurang....Agaknyer dia belajar ayat tuh sebab mak dia suka dok pot pet pot pet kot....hehehhe

pernah jugak dengar dia sebut zaijian...means good bye.

not bad huh.....at least Amanni can catch-up few words....