TV and Games addiction
Anak-anak korang ada tak kalau boleh nak duduk depan TV 24 jam jer..Dari satu movie ke movie..pastu sambung plak cartoon...pastu cartoon lagi.. pastu lagi dan lagi...dari satu channel ke channel lain...aduiiii...klu malam tu..mata dah merah dah..mengantuk tapi bleh lagi dok tercongok depan TV....
Tula si Anis nih...ermm..Amani pon bleh tahan gak klu tgk cartoon..So far Anis ni bleh di control la lagi...stilllll..i think she's addicted to the TV....Kadang2 tu sampai nak semayang pon bleh lagi..jap..jap..skit lagi...kejap jer lagiii...eeeiiiiihhhh...*kluar asap ikot telinga Ok*...streeesss tol....sampaikan kadang2 tu..aku terpaksa tutup jer TV...pandang muka dia dgn pandangan yg bengis..*ceyyyy..kenkonon bengis la kannn*..baru dia bangun pegi buat apa2 yg patut...
Nak buat homework pon depan TV...isshhh..bila sound je sikit..ibu nih...kakak nak tgk Tv pon tak boleh...eeeiii menjawap ko eh skrg....Ni baru bab TV..tak kira asik dok main game kat tablet jer...smartphone aku pon di tibai nyer jugak...jenuh skrg tablet masuk workshop sbb rosak...slow la skit main games nyer..
Pastu..klu lepas makan...klu tak suruh basuh pinggang..selamba badak je dia tinggal kan pinggan mangkuk kat singki...aduiii..semakin besar semakin buat perangai laaa...Klu minta sapu sampah ke..lipat baju ker...errrmmmm mcm cakap ngan tiang...kena betul2 suruh..kita sekali duduk lipat baju sama2 baru dia kan buat..klu suruh dia jer sensorang lipat baju..huhhh tobattt..
Kang klu aku berkeras..tegas ngan dia...takut dia memberontak plak..buatnyer diia larik dari umah ker..tak ker haru...tapi aku tau..Anis ni masih boleh di bentuk..dia yg jenis selalu kena slow talk ngan dia...solw talk skit..2-3 hari ok la...pastu buat balik perangai dia...
Anyway...ada few tips to share utk kurangkan TV addiction...boleh digunapakai utk org tua gak la rasanya...
Tips How to Get Your Kids Away From TV
- Make it a rule that there is no TV watching before Homework is done. Unwinding after school should be relaxing, not getting hyperactive in front of the TV.
- It is a good idea to monitor what your children are watching. If you don't, you won't know what they are seeing and this can manifest itself in very negative ways if they are witnessing violence, sexually explicit content, or even just too many advertisements. Remember, TV viewing must be quality, no matter what. More importantly, monitoring what they watch keeps you involved in your child's life.
- Reduced exposure to commercials will have many benefits for your children: reduced desire and impulses to eat junk food or sweets, reduced desire/impulses to buy the latest toys and other fads.
- No TV for children under the age of 2. The TV can never be a substitute for learning about the world around them.
- One to two hours and no more per day for children aged over two. Also suitable for adults.
- Do not replace the TV with the computer or video games. If you allow this, you may well be setting the kids up for an alternative addiction. Try to allow everything in moderation and with clear limits.
- Not letting children watch television may save you money. Children are very susceptible to influence from television commercials. Without commercials, you children may not be as brand conscious, and they won't request things in television commercials they don't see.
- Disconnect the cable. Most cable providers have several television stations geared toward children, and many have television stations that show cartoons all day. Without "children's TV stations," your children may actually look forward to getting up on Saturday Morning to watch cartoons.
- Provide alternatives. Kids are learning about their world everyday. Make sure that most of their learning comes from self-experience and not from being told about things via the medium of TV. To assist their self-exploration and to perk their curiosity, provide a range of alternative activities. Keep an activity cupboard packed with activities such as:
- Science kit projects (erupting volcanoes, magnets, 3D models, electronics kits, weather forecasting kits, natural discovery books and kits etc.)
- Craft, art and drawing materials.
- Board games, playing cards, marbles, miniatures (for older kids), Lego bricks, building kits, etc.
- A good library of kids' books aimed at their ages, across a wide variety of subjects.
- Encourage outdoor and sporting activities.
sharing is caringggggg..