29 August 2006

A Clue to Developmental Disorders

DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY: A Clue to Developmental Disorders by Joel D. Lazaro (www.youngnutrition.net)

Developmental delay is a common problem of children with an estimated prevalence as high as 10% (Batshaw, 1993). Despite its common occurrence, cues to developmental delay remains to be difficult and challenging for most doctors. It is known that early identification of developmental delay leads to early intervention that promotes good outcome reducing the chances of long- term disability in the child. It is the objective of this article to determine the approach for identifying developmental delay in infants and young children and discuss the approach in the management of a child with developmental delay.

What is the definition of a developmental delay?
Delay is said to exist when a child does not reach developmental milestones at the expected age. This may seem to be a simple definition but in actual clinical practice may be a complicated process to determine. The reasons behind this are as follows: First, there is a wide variation as to what constitute 'normal'. Indeed, normality is infinitely more variable than abnormality and allowance has to be given to cover a broad variation in children’s abilities. Second, children's developmental skills are continuously evolving making it difficult to decide if the delay is something permanent or transient in nature. A common pitfall committed even by doctors is to say that 'the child will outgrow' the delays even before an extensive evaluation has been made. Finally, development is a transactional process with many forces and influences in the child's environment affecting its course throughout life making it difficult to make definitive prognosis regarding future outcomes.

What are the signs to watch out for?
The early identification of developmental disabilities in children rests on the hands of parents and physicians who are attuned to the developmental progress of children. The first order of the day is to be familiar and knowledgeable about the normal progress of development in children. This should be followed by learning the 'red flags' or danger signals of developmental delay in various areas of developmental function as enumerated in Tables 1-4 (Palfrey, 1994). The 'red flags' serve as a guide for healthy professionals on when to recommend for a more extensive neurodevelopmental evaluation

Table 1 Gross Motor: Red flags
4.5 months - Does not pull up to sit
5 months - Does not roll over
7-8 months - Does not sit without support
9-10 months - Does not stand while holding on
18 months - Not walking
2 years old - Not climbing up and downstairs
2.5 years old - Not jumping with both feet
3 years old - Unable to stand on one foot momentarily

Table 2 Fine Motor: Red flags
3.5 months - Persistence of grasp reflex
4-5 months - Unable to hold rattle
7 months - Unable to transfer objects from one hand to another
10-11 months - Absent pincer grasp
15 months - Unable to release objects from hand
2 years old - Unable to scribble

Table 3 Language: Red flags
6 months - Does not turn eyes/head to sound
10 months - Not babbling
15 months - Does not respond to 'no' , 'bye-bye'
18 months - Does not have meaningful words beyond mama/papa
2 years old - No two word phrases
3 years old - No simple sentences

Table 4 Psychosocial: Red flags
3 months - Not smiling socially
6-7 months - Not laughing in playful situation
8-9 months - No interest in peek-a-boo
12 months - Does not search for hidden objects
15-18 months - No interest in cause and effect games
2 years old - Does not engage or interact with other kids

How is developmental delay diagnosed?
The child with developmental delay requires an extensive diagnostic evaluation which aims to: (1) describe the child's current healthy status; (2) describe the child's current functional status, including developmental abilities and disabilities; (3) identify the etiologic cause of the condition; and (4) describe the child's socio-environmental condition (Lepta, 1998).

Clinical History
The physician must perform a systematic history taking with emphasis on identifying established biologic and environmental risk factors implicated in cases of developmental delay (table 5).

Table 5 Risk Factors for Developmental Delay
Prenatal Maternal Factors - Substance abuse (drug/alcohol),Chronic illness
(diabetes), Previous stillbirths or miscarriage

Perinatal factors - Prematurity, Low birth weight, Obstetrical problems

Neonatal factors - Sepsis, meningitis, Seizures, Bleeding, Jaundice

Postnatal factors - Exposure to lead, other toxins,
Seizures,Meningitis/Encephalitis, Growth retardation

Socio-environmental Factors - Child abuse/neglect, Poverty, Stressful life events(death, divorce), Single, teenage parent

The family history may also be helpful because many developmental disorders are genetically based and are passed on from one generation to another. The developmental history is also extremely important as this will chronicle the acquisition of developmental skills at a particular age over a period of time. If accurately gathered, the information will help the health professional in determining whether the developmental delay is inborn or acquired. It should also help distinguish whether there was delayed acquisition of skills or loss/regression of skills.

What are the physical tests to perform?
Abnormalities on physical examination may serve as an indirect indicator of the presence of developmental delay. It may also provide a clue to the etiologic cause of the delay. Anthropometric measurements such as height, weight and head circumference are vital in the assessment as many children developmental delay have co-existing abnormalities in growth patterns. The presence of congenital anomalies or dysomorphic features are also important markers as many genetic syndromes have co-existing developmental disabilities. Functional assessment of sensory functions e.g. hearing and vision must also be included. Finally, a developmentally oriented neurologic examination is vital to the diagnostic process of a child with developmental delay.

What is developmental evaluation?
Standardized evaluation of development is indicated in the comprehensive evaluation of a child who has developmental delay. These may include tests of general intelligence, language, fine motor skills, gross motor skills and social adaptation. The selection of test should relate to the child's condition and should provide a profile of the child's strengths and weaknesses, not just a series of scores. The tests to be valid must also be administered by competent and trained professionals. The results of developmental evaluation will help the health professionals in formulating a developmental diagnosis.

Are the laboratory tests?
There are no standard or routine laboratory studies indicated for a child with developmental delay. The decision to choose a particular diagnostic test will depend on the etiologic cause being implicated as a cause of developmental delay. The test selections are varied and wide-ranging which includes genetic studies, imaging studies, metabolic studies, and electrophysiologic tests (EGG, BAER).

Regardless of the specific nature of the child's developmental delay, there is unanimous opinion from different sectors (e.g. medical, educational, etc) that early identification of developmental delays leads to early intervention and better outcome for the child. There is sufficient evidence in medical research that the best chance for effecting developmental change is while the nervous system of the very young child is still malleable and responsive (Palfrey, 1994). This concept is called ¡®neuroplasticity'.

Management of a child with developmental delay needs a multidisciplinary approach involving many disciplines providing a variety of effective educational and therapeutic interventions depending on the specific nature and/or etiologic cause of developmental delay. Aside from those mentioned, additional treatment includes (1) health maintenance, (2) treatment of underlying cause (if possible), (3) treatment of associated conditions, (4) relief of symptoms, (5) anticipatory guidance to prevent secondary complications and (6) environmental support (Lipak, 1996). The prognosis of a child with developmental delay varies widely according to the type and severity of the underlying disorder.

24 August 2006

Yezzzzzaaaa...!!!! Cayalah Amani....

ON 04/08/06...aku balik dari kerja, bibik aku beritahu yang Amani dah boleh jalan...Anis pon dok jerit2 kat aku.."ibu..ibu..adik dah pandai jalan..."..Ini betul2 nye jalan..bukan dua tiga tapak je..ini jalan yang lebih dari 10 tapak...Ya Allah...gembiranya hati aku...gembira tak terhingga...Then aku dukung Amani..tanya dia.."Adik..betul ke adik dah pandai jalan..pandainye anak ibu nih.."..Amani meronta-ronta tak nak didukung..Aku turunkan dia ..then selambe je dia jalan pegi ke sofa...aku menjerit2 gembira..."Yelah...betullah..adik dah pandai jalan..."..yeaaaaaa....adik dah pandai..adik..dah pandai.."..

Kiranya..Amani pandai berjalan pada umur 1 tahun setengah...ok le tuh.. Terus call hubby..."awak...adik dah pandai jalan la..betul2 nye jalan..."..suka gak le hubby aku.."Alhamdullilah.." katanya..

Malam tuh..jenuh gak le mengejar Amani jalan..ade gak le dia terduduk.and terlentang..melalak2 le dia..Dia excited..especially bila tengok Anis berlari2..dia pon nak berlari..itu yang asyik terjatuh tuh...

Next dua tiga hari tuh..dia still le jalan2..walaupon tak berapa stabil, at least dia nak cuba..

But then, a week after Amani start berjalan..dia dah tak nak berjalan sangat.. merangkak atau melutut je...aduhh!!! pulak...pehal lak nih..bila angkat suruh dia jalan, dia akan lembikkan kaki dia..minta dukung lah...alamak..ape nih dik..macamana nak pandai jalan klu macam nih...Hal ni berlarutan hingga 3-4 hari gak le..aku pon..tak kesah le..asal Amani sihat dah le...

Then dalam 3rd week bulan Ogos,...Amani start balik berjalan..hingga le ke at this point of date...alhamdullillah...syukur ke hadrat ilahi...

Walaupun Amani berjalan kaki bersepah..Amani tetap dah boleh berjalan..tapi mulut je agak berat skit..dia still tak nak bercakap...bubbling only..

So far..klu aku cakap "adik pandai"..dia akan ikut.."daii..daii..daii..." sambil2 tepuk tangan..itu jelah yang dia leh sebut so far..

tawakal je lah....

17 August 2006

Yea..yea..balik kampung....

28/07/06 sampai le 31/07/06..aku amik cuti..nak balik kampung sebab skrg nih musim buah..aku balik ngan anak2 je..hubby tinggal..bibik aku, aku hantar dia ke umah sedara...

Aku balik ngan Airasia..itu je yg mampu..heheheh..adik aku ngan anak2 dia pon ikut..flight kol 7 pagi..dijangkakan dlm kol 7.55 pagi sampai le kat Penang...then Kak Nomi akan jemput kitaorang..

Pepagi buta kitaorang dah kluar umah..dlm kol 4.30pg tuhhh..sebab nak antar bibik ke Pandan Jaya dulu..Nasib baik Anis tak buat perangai bila kejutkan dia pagi tuh..Then from Pandan Jaya terus rush ke LCCT..budget dlm sejam sampai le ke LCCT..sebab nak kena check in 45 minit awal..

Hubby bawak keta pon slow jelah..relax je...Anis sepanjang perjalanan tuh relax je..tak tido pon..selalunye..klu pepagi camni dah tidor nyenyak dia...maybe dia excited nak naik flight kot..yelah dah lama dia tak naik flight..sejak ade Amani..kitaorang tak night flight lagi le..This is first time for Amani to naik flight...Amani sambung tido dlm keta..

Kitaorang sampai LCCT ngam2 je lagi 10 minit counter nak closed..sebab tersalah jalan..Signboard tuk ke LCCT tuh kecek sangat..tak perasan..dah terlajak simpang baru nampak sighboard yg mana sapatutnye..kitaorang kekiri..jalan terus pusing balik le kat depan tuh..jauh gak le pusing..itu yang terlambat skit sampai tuh..

Adik anak-beranak terlambat sampai..allaaa lambat 10 minit pon diaorang tak leh kautim..so dia terlepas le flight tuh..cian dia..

Aku lak kelam-kabut le usung anak2 naik flight..Minah yg jaga ticket tuh pon dah sound aku.."kakak kena masuk skrg..semua dah boarding..dah last call nama akak tuh."..Yang aku ngan adik aku nih tgh dok merayu kat mamat sekor nih...Last2 aku tinggal adik..terus berlari ke gate 5..terus diaorang escort aku sampai aku naik flight..Then steward dia tutup pintu..aku dah settled down..dah duduk suma..terus je terbang..heheheheh..sebenarnye..aku paling last naik..diaorang tuh menunggu aku je...malu weh....

Sebab dah lambat naik flight..tak dapat le Anis nak duduk tepi tingkap..cian dia..tengok sipi2 jelah..Amani pon nasib baik tak wat perangai atas flight..main je ngan Anis..Tetiba Anis cakap.."ibu..telinga kakak pekak..kakak tak dengar le.."..Nasib baik aku bawak air mineral, bagi dua2 minum..then she said..""haaa..telinga kakak dah tak pekak.."

Ngam2 55 minit..kitaorang landing kat airport Penang dengan selamatnya...alhamdullillah...so far yg aku dok naik Airasia, aku tak pernah le mengalami kelewatan atau masalah2 lain..Alhamdullillah..

Kak Nomi pon ngam2 je samapi airport untuk jemput kitaorang..terus balik umah Kak Nomi..mak ayanh dah ade kat tunggu kitaorang kat umah kak nomi..Aku call adik..she decided to balik jugak kampung..naik bas..Lewat petang adik aekeluarga selamat sampai..kecoh le kat umah..semua pakat dok gelakkan diaorang sebab tertinggal flight...

Anis and amani excited sesangat kat kampung..maybe ramai sepupu2 dia yg lain...main je keje diaorang..Anis punyalah makan durian...seronok tengok Anis makan durian..Amani lak...aku kurang bagi dia makan..sebab takut panas...Amani ni kan sensitif skit...karang tak pasal2 tersawan lak kat kampung tuh..jenuh aku....

Tidor semalam kat umah Kak nomi..then next day tuh..balik umah mak ayah lak...mengangkut le pulak barang2 semua..

Then ari Isnin...Kak da lak hantar kitaorang ke airport Penang...nak balik ke KL le...Flight kol 2...kat LCCT my hubby jemput kitaorang semua...padat skit le dlm keta...alhamdullillah perjalanan pergi balik kitaorang selamat...

14 August 2006

Happy Birthday Nurul Anis

Anis tahun ni masuk 4 tahun...05/07/2006..genaplah Anis 4 tahun..Happy Birthday kakak...Aku belikan kek..pastu belikan My little Pony as a present...suka tak terkiralah dia..

Amani pon dapat gak pony tuh..HUH!!Kalu beli sekor je pony..mau tercetusnya perang saudara...Amani sekarang ni dah pandai berebut barang mainan...So, aku beli dua ekor..puas hati..tapi pony Amani dah jadi macam Mat Lampir..habis rambut pony tuh berserabut..lantak le adikkk....

Actually Anis mintak..Barbie doll yang Mermadia tuh...mahai tuh....Klu setakat Anis je may be le boleh..tapi..pikir2..Si Amani tuh pon mesti nak gak...aisaymen...ibu tengah bankrap ler...beg duit kempis...Lagipon..Anis dah ada beberapa ekor barbie doll..wat pe nak belikan lagik...last2..tu yang belikan pony tuh..lain dr yg lain...

Aku decided to hantar Anis pegi tadika next year...banyak tempat dah pegi survey..So far ade satu tadika kat Tmn Mulia..nampak macam ceria je tadika tuh..maybe antar Anis ke situ le kot...Si Anis ni pon macam dah excited nak pegi sekolah..Tapi satu je aku takut...dia nih bangun tidor punya le lambat...tak tau le next year mcmana..Nak kena train nih..

Si Anis nih klu bab melaram baju..bagi kat dia le...Duduk kat umah je pon nak pakai seluar jeans..tak main la seluar bermuda...seluar pendek yg bodoh2 tuh ke..skirt or gaun yang biasa2 tuh...And sekarang nih..klu nak pakai baju pon..mesti nak sama ngan adik...Klu adik pink, dia pon nak pink..adik kuning, kakak kuning, klu nak beli baju..aku beli dua2 sama...senang cite..jenuh nak layan karenah dak berdua nih...

Baju, seluar, kasut, ubat gigi, basikal, beg and even panties..nak warna pink...preferably Barbie nye...Uihhh..jenuh..pening ayahnye nak layan...Klu bab makan..apam yg warna pink tuh dah jadi favourite dia, kueh pau kena beli warna pink gak..klu tak jgn harap dia nak makan..ade sekali tuh..kitaorang nak kluar jalan2..ade ke patut dia suruh ayah dia pakai T-shirt pink..kenkonon nak sama ngan dia le...ish..ish..ish..hilang akal ke ape..si ayah nak pakai pink..udah le T-shirt pink tuh T-shirt aku..hehehehehhe..

Ade sekali tuh..dia nampak motor scooter warna pink...dia suruh ayah belikan..then bila cakap.."kakak kecik lagik..mana boleh bawak motor tuh.." selambe je dia cakap.."ayah le bawak..kakak dok kat belakang ngan ibu ngan adik.."..ade ke patut..

Si Anis ni dah addicted to TV..especially channel 63 and 62...eiiii..tension tol ngan dia...kekadang tuh sampai gaduh2 ngan dia sbb nak tukar channel...sampaikan kitaorang kena buat timetable, malam no cartoon...siang pon dah suruh bibik monitor...so far alhamdullilah..Anis ni dengar kata..walaupon kenkadang tuh..dia wat dek je bila kita suruh off TV tuh..

Bila anis nih boring..especially malam le...sbb selalunye bila malam hubby tengok bola..mula le si Anis ni panas bontot..pernah dia sound hubby I..."ayah ni..tak pegi keje malam nih.."..bila hubby kata tak..mulalah dia.."ishhh ayah ni..kakak nak tengok cartoon pon tak boleh...asyik-asyik tengok bola je..asyik-asik tengok bola.."..terkedu jap laki aku...

One thing..Anis ni cepat tangkap ape yang diajar..Setakat doa makan, bagi salam, ayat Quahuwallah..dia dah terror lah...tiap malam sebelum tidor memang aku suruh dia baca Quahuwallah...sambil aku kena garu belakang dia...

Anis suka coloring...tapi time melukis tuh mesti gaduh ngan Amani..sbb Amani suka kacau dia...bagi satu buku kat Amani pon..dia still nak pegi kat kakak dia..nak mengacau le tuh...tumpang menconteng buku..

Lately, aku tengok Anis dan Amani semakin rapat..si Amani suka main ngan kakak dia..dia akan gelak mengekek-ngekek klu main ngan Anis...happy sangat aku tengok..

11 August 2006

Amani as at 17 months old

Motor Skills : Month 17

Gross Motor Skills
Your baby uses whole arm movements when he throws
a ball, but still walks into the ball rather than kicking it.
He climbs on to adult chairs, seating himself, and will
climb out of his crib. He moves and positions objects to
help him climb up, such as placing a chair next to a table
when he wants to get onto the table. He jumps using
both his feet, and runs a little stiffly.

Bab panjat memanjat ni..Amani memang dah terer....tapi klu kerusi makan tuh..dia tak leh lagik..Melompat dengan sendiri still tak le..sbb jalan pon belum boleh.

Fine Motor Skills
His finer movements are improving and he can string large beads through thread and puts together very simple puzzles. He uses his breath to blow bubbles, attempt to blow up balloons and blow out candles. He scribbles circular shapes and can follow a vertical line with his pen with increasing accuracy. He tries to brush his teeth and drinks from a glass without help.

Amani's fine motor skill memang fail...pegang cawan boleh le..tapi dia akan tuangkan air..passtu main air tuh..minum sendiri still tak leh..pegang botol susu sendirik pon still tak leh..tapi tak tau le..dia malas pegang botol or memamg dia tak boleh pegang..setakat tepuk2 botol tuh dia boleh le..

Language : Month 17
He follows one-step directions, and can say about 10 words,
most of which will be completion statements such as
“bye bye” and “thank you”. He doesn’t use words like
“and” “to” and “at” but can use two word phrases such
as “bouncy ball”. He uses his own name and recognizes
three to four body parts but may not name them.

He understands that certain actions are often associated
with certain words such as sitting up at the table and saying
“dinner time”, or getting out the pram and saying “outside”.
He is close to speaking fluently and enjoys answering simple
questions and naming the objects that he wants. He uses ‘no”
very often and has learned to hum along to songs and words.

Amani's language pon fail..setakat babbling je lah...

Emotion : Month 17
He spends less time protesting and will do what you ask
him to. He looks for help when needed and wants to
show people his new toys, but he still doesn’t understand
why he should share them with others. He recognizes
that people react differently to his actions, and so he
experiments and tests people’s responses.

He treats other babies as if they were toys and
will push, pull, prod, slap and pinch them. He
finds frustration a difficult emotion to cope with
and when in this state he will often throw temper
tantrums. He sees himself as an adult and
attempts to imitate adult behavior. He enjoys
feeling independent and will practice doing things
on his own without help. He recognizes himself in
photographs and loves showing off to an audience.

Bab nih..setakat merajuk tuh dia pandai lah..dia tahu bila kita marahkan dia..klu time dia merengek2 tuh..kita sound dia or marahkan dia..terus dia nangis lagik kuat..padan muka aku...and dia suka main toys sensorang..leka klu main toys tuh..

Learning : Month 17
He understands that objects have locations, remembers
where they belong and likes to put objects back where
he found them. He only places edible objects in his
mouth and now uses touch as his primarily means
of exploration and discovery.

He may recognize and tell you when he needs to
use the toilet and complain when he is wet or soiled.
He tries to copy adults and will imitate their behavior
and want to use objects associated with them, such
as turning the steering wheel of the car, or getting dressed to go out in the morning. He has a short attention span so may become distracted mid-task and leave what he is doing for a new activity. He thinks through and solves problems in his head as well as through trial and error.

This one sikit2 leh le..bab-bab tiru gaya..ok le skit2..klu dapat sikat..dia tahu le sikat tu untuk sikatkan rambut. Dia leh le sikatkan rambut dia sendiri..

What Your Baby Enjoys : Month 17
He loves finding hidden objects and will delight in
participating in a treasure hunt around the house.

He enjoys it when people praise him for “grown up”
behavior and he loves to copy adults. He likes
nursery rhymes and attempts to sing along.

Bab ni...klu dengar music..bontot goyang2..tangan goyang2..menari le tuh kiranye...klu kat TV bila lagu Barney and Bob the Builder kluar..sure mata tuh tak berkedip..klu kita terlindung pandangan dia..dia akan adjust duduk dia tok tengok gak lagu tuh...

Itulah Amani di umur 17 bulan....


Masa dalam perjalanan ke HUKM, Amani dah tak berapa lembik...tapi separa sedar..mata dia still pandang setempat and macam pandangan kosong je..aku takut dia kena fits balik je..Badan dia pun still macam lembik lesu sikit...

Sampai ER HUKM, masa tuh dalam pukul 11.45 mlm, terus je masuk beritahu attendant tuh.."Anak saya fits"..terus dia bawak masuk dalam ER..doktor and nurse kerumun Amani...Masa tuh Amani macam tetiba je tersedar..nurse amik darah...pasang wayar sana..pasang wayar sini...tapi that time Amani macam dah fully sedar...terus le dia melalak...sakit wooo...kena cucuk amik darah...allaa...sayang2 bucuk...cian dia...cian anak ibu nih....

Lama gak le nak pujuk dia bagi berenti nangis..pujuk punya pujuk..al last diam gak le..tapi still merengek..dia nak tido..bila aku baringkan atas katil..dia tak nak..start balik nangis..last2 aku panjat katil..baring, then bagi amani terpeluk kat badan aku..last2 tertido gak le dia...Lately nih..Amani memang suka tido atas badan aku..bukan setakat Amani je tido...aku sekali tido..hubby pon penat..then dia pegi duduk kat tempat orang asma tuh..kat situ ade kerusi..kat situ le dia berehat..kejap2 dia datang le tengok kitaorang kat katil..sejuk gile kat dalam ER nih..

Masa tuh gak le ade ambulan datang hantar budak kena pukul..berdarah2 satu..hubby kata kepala dia pecah kena pukul ngan kayu...last2 masuk bilik merah kat ER tuh..klu kat bilik merah tuh kira nye kes berat le..betul2 emergency la...antara hidup ngan mati le..

Sejam sekali doktor datang check..so far so good...Amani pon macam lena je tidor.best kot sebab sejuk...SMS member opis beritau yg aku kat ER HUKM coz Amani fits...

Then dalam kol 4.30am...doktor datang check..tengok Amani nye degup jantung, supply oksigen and everything stabil..dia discharged kan Amani..leganye..tak kena tahan ward..Tapi dia pesan le..klu dalam masa 24 jam nih dia fits balik..kena bawak dia balik ke HUKM and diaorang kena tahan dia kat ward le..harap2 ok le....

Then the next 24 hours Amani ok...sampailah hari2 seterusnys..so far Amani OK...

So, kitaorang wat conclusion..mungkin Amani tak tahan panasand bahang kat court tuh....then campur penat kejar2 main bola tuh..entahle..mungkinkah itu penyebabnye.....

Anis suke lah sebab aku cuti panjang...dia siap leh cakap.."ibu...nanti ibu cuti panjang lagik ek...kakak suke..."..aisayman..cian dia..


On 11/07/06..Appointment ngan Prof Ong, masa tuh Amani tak berapa sihat..batuk selsema..tapi tak demam..Prof Ong tengok Amani..dia kata Amani mcm ok..tapi dia still nak wat assessment to check how delay perkembangan amani...so she set bulan 12 nih tok wat assesment...nak buat sekarang nih pun..Amani still kecik lagi...yelah baru 1 tahun 5 bulan..memang ade setengah budak yg takde sakit ape2 yg still tak leh jalan bila time umur macam nih...so Prof Ong kata at least tunggu lagi 4-5 bulan..

next week tuh..on 20/07/06..appointment ngan Prof Ben lak.. Prof Ben kata diaorang so impress ngan Amani nye development..coz memula dulu diaorang tak memberi harapan yg Amani akan seelok dan sesihat skrg nih..pulak !!!!...ohhhh..bila anak aku dah sihat..baru korang nak beritahu hal yg sebenar nye yea...tapi alhamdullillah..Amani sihat...

Malam tuh...kitaorang pegi main futsal kat Ampang sport planet..bawak le Anis and Amani..diaorang punya le main. Amani lak..dia time mmg dah leh jalan tapi kena pimpin le..still tak leh jalan sendiri...satu court tuh dia pusing..lari2..jenuh le bibik pimpin dia...

Malam tuh..balik umah budak berdua tuh dah tertido, penat sangat...tetiba entah macam mana..Anis pusing dan terhempap Amani. Amani terkejut dari tido..aku dah landing kat sebelah le..Tetiba aku rasa lain macam je si Amani nih..masa tuh lampu bilik dah tutup...dah gelap dah...then dengar suara Amani macam merengus...tengok dia..diam macam kejang2...terus bangun buka lampu..jerit panggil my hubby..."awak...awak...Amani...Amani...cepat.."...panik gile aku masa tuh..

Kelam kabut hubby lari masuk bilik..aku dah panik sambil menangis..hubby marah aku..."awak nih...boleh tak jangan panik..calm down.."...Macamana aku tak panic...sejak lepas operation..Amani dah tak kena sawan/fits..panik le aku..serba tak kena aku...angkat letak..angkat letak budak tuh..sambil-sambil panggil nama dia..Amani lak..mata putih je..mulut pon macam berbuih...kaki tangan badan keras..kejang..merengus...Ya Allah...tolong aku...dulu2..sebelum operation, Amani nye sawan bukan macam nih...dulu badan dia jadi lembik..tapi kali nih badan jadi kejang...panik le aku...

Hubby amik air basahkan muka...mengerengkan badan Amani...bukak seluar, longgarkan diaper, kejutkan maid kitaorang...mungkin sebab dia tengok aku macam dah tak leh handle..panik nye pasal...tak tentu arah aku...Anis terdiam kat bucu katil...Klu hubby tak de masa tuh..tak tau le macam mana agaknye aku nak handle keadaan macam tuh...

Segala jenis air aku amik..air yassin..air zamzam..air paip..semua aku amik..wat basuh muka Amani..lebih kurang 5 minit tuh..badan dia dah tak kejang..mata pon dah tak putih..tapi jadi lembik lak...pulakk..dah.....

Last2 hubby kata.."jom bawa pi hospital"....aku salin baju (nasib baik aku teringat nak salin baju) terus dukung Amani bawa pi HUKM..Anis menjerit2 nak ikut...tapi tak leh le...cian dia..tinggal le dia kat umah ngan bibik...

10 August 2006

Info on Epilepsy


Epilepsy is a neurological or brain disorder. In this condition there is an sudden abnormal electrical activity of the brain that results in the scary fit. A fit is also known as a "seizure". The child may shake and stiffen. The eyes will be uprolled and the mouth may froth with bubbles. Sometimes the child will urinate during a fit and sleep after the fit has settled. Most fits settle in less than 5 minutes and are therefore not life threatening despite how scary the incident looks. When the child awakens there will be no recollection of the event. The fit that has been described is the commonest type of epilepsy known as Grand Mal Epilepsy. There are many many forms of epilepsy .

The forms or types of epilepsy are determined by a clinical description of the type of seizure experienced by the child. Thereafter a special test called an EEG or electroencephalogram is performed to assess the brain waves. This test often provides clues as to the type of epilepsy the child is experiencing. A MRI brain scan may be necessary.

The aim of medical treatment is to control the child's tendency to have seizures, so she / he can get on with normal activities and schooling. Avoid the things which may trigger seizures - do not over exert the child, avoid the heat, avoid distressing the child or any other triggers that you know can cause a seizure. Anti-epileptic drugs taken as directed by the doctor will help control the seizures. Do not stop the medication without your doctor's consent as this can prove life threatening.

The choice of anti epileptic drugs depends on the type of seizure and the side effect profile of the drugs. Paediatricians often choose the drug with the least side effects. An epileptic child will usually need to stay on anti-epileptic drugs until she/he has been free from seizures for at least two years. During this period close supervision is important to ensure that the child does not experience side effects and the seizures are well controlled. 8 out of 10 children with epilepsy lead a normal life.

Symptom & signs

Role of the parents and school teacher
Helping a child with epilepsy involves telling him / her about his illness in a manner that the child can understand. As the child gets older he will need to learn to look after his own condition. Support the child and provide him with confidence. Let him know that you are always there to help.

A positive approach is essential in the education of an epileptic child. Most children can perform just as well as any other child. Do not assume that an epileptic is naturally dull - this is far from the truth. If indeed a child is not performing well discuss this with the parents to help identify the learning difficulty. Of course there are epileptics who have learning problems but these are usually mild and often can be overcome with special effort from teachers.

We would like to suggest that a child with epilepsy does not swim unless accompanied by their parents who must always be at an arms length from the child. Contact sports may not be appropriate for the child. Athletics on the other hand is encouraged as there is no danger to the child in the event of a fit.

Basic first aid in the event of an epileptic fit
* Do not panic.
* Remove the child from any dangerous furniture, away from the stairs and place child on the floor.
* Do not put a spoon in the mouth to keep it open. This is an outdated procedure. It may injure the oral cavity.
* Do not put your fingers into the mouth. Allow the teeth clenching to settle down by itself.
* Turn the child on to his or her side and do not restrain any of the legs or arms. Let the legs and arms shake or convulse.
* Send someone to call for help. Do not leave the child alone.
* The fit will stop soon. Do not panic.
* Cool child down by sponging with tap water. (do not use ice water)
* Consult doctor if you are uncertain.
* If the fit does not stop in 10 minutes take the child to a hospital or clinic.

09 August 2006

Therapy session...

One week selepas discharged from ward..Amani kena pegi balik ke HUKM sebab nak kena wat EEG lagik sekali...buat jelah...sama gak macam memula wat EEG..punyalah susah nak bagi dia tido....

On 09/03/2006, jumpa balik Prof Ben, he said luka amani dah Ok...cuma Amani nye luka nih jadi mcm keloid le...besar gak parut dia..ikut gen ayah dia le tuh... And officialresult dah kluar..its confirmed bukan sel kanser and it just a cyst yg tak merbahaya..tp they cannot cornfirmkan sama ada ia akan berulang ke tidak...kitaorg kena monitor Amani nye pertumbuhan le...

on 04/04/2006..apppointment dengan Prof Ong lak...result EEG dah kluar..and Prof Ong kata..Amani nye result tuh tak berapa bagus...masih ade tanda2 sawan...ohhh...tidakkkkkkkkk......... She advice Amani kena continue ubat and kena makan ubat for at least 18 bulan. Klu within 18 bulan tuh takde sawan...so Amani can stop makan ubat...Kami sekeluarga hanya berdoa mengharapkan yang terbaik for Amani...

10/04/2006, Amani dah start therapy... speech therapy and physiotherapy, and on 15/06/2006 lak rehabitilation therapy...

Memula every two weeks Amani kena pergi therapy..then sebulan sekali..masa therapy tuh..all the therapist pon ade ckp..tgk gaya Amani nih..memang le dia ade delay skit...but masih ade harapan...sedih gak tengok budak2 lain yg lagi teruk dari Amani..ade setengah tu..sampai tak leh jalan lansung..kaki tangan lembik..aku bersyukur le ngan keadaan Amani...

Masa physiotherapy..therapist tuh tanya le Amani ni dah pandai naik turun tangga tak...aisayman sis...tak sure lak sis..sebab umah kitaorang tak de tangga..so tak pernah try lak..

The next week tuh..kitaorang balik umah mentua kat Senawang...aku paksa Amani naik turun tangga..hah...puas hati...then..kompem le Amani still tak pandai naik turun tangga dengan sendiri...puas le trained dia...kiranya...Amani kena buli ar masa kat Senawang tuh...hehehehhe..kejam tul ibu dia nih....sedih gak tengok dia terkial2 anggat kaki...tak pe..esok masih ade...

Actually on 04/04/2006..Amani dah jalan...jalan sendiri youu...walaupun cuma 3 langkah....yesss!!!!!..what a good start...punyalah happy kitaorang....

Banyak le toys yang kitaorang belikan tuk Amani yg untuk stimulate otak dia...semua kitaorang wat...dengan harapan Amani leh jalan...