11 August 2006

Amani as at 17 months old

Motor Skills : Month 17

Gross Motor Skills
Your baby uses whole arm movements when he throws
a ball, but still walks into the ball rather than kicking it.
He climbs on to adult chairs, seating himself, and will
climb out of his crib. He moves and positions objects to
help him climb up, such as placing a chair next to a table
when he wants to get onto the table. He jumps using
both his feet, and runs a little stiffly.

Bab panjat memanjat ni..Amani memang dah terer....tapi klu kerusi makan tuh..dia tak leh lagik..Melompat dengan sendiri still tak le..sbb jalan pon belum boleh.

Fine Motor Skills
His finer movements are improving and he can string large beads through thread and puts together very simple puzzles. He uses his breath to blow bubbles, attempt to blow up balloons and blow out candles. He scribbles circular shapes and can follow a vertical line with his pen with increasing accuracy. He tries to brush his teeth and drinks from a glass without help.

Amani's fine motor skill memang fail...pegang cawan boleh le..tapi dia akan tuangkan air..passtu main air tuh..minum sendiri still tak leh..pegang botol susu sendirik pon still tak leh..tapi tak tau le..dia malas pegang botol or memamg dia tak boleh pegang..setakat tepuk2 botol tuh dia boleh le..

Language : Month 17
He follows one-step directions, and can say about 10 words,
most of which will be completion statements such as
“bye bye” and “thank you”. He doesn’t use words like
“and” “to” and “at” but can use two word phrases such
as “bouncy ball”. He uses his own name and recognizes
three to four body parts but may not name them.

He understands that certain actions are often associated
with certain words such as sitting up at the table and saying
“dinner time”, or getting out the pram and saying “outside”.
He is close to speaking fluently and enjoys answering simple
questions and naming the objects that he wants. He uses ‘no”
very often and has learned to hum along to songs and words.

Amani's language pon fail..setakat babbling je lah...

Emotion : Month 17
He spends less time protesting and will do what you ask
him to. He looks for help when needed and wants to
show people his new toys, but he still doesn’t understand
why he should share them with others. He recognizes
that people react differently to his actions, and so he
experiments and tests people’s responses.

He treats other babies as if they were toys and
will push, pull, prod, slap and pinch them. He
finds frustration a difficult emotion to cope with
and when in this state he will often throw temper
tantrums. He sees himself as an adult and
attempts to imitate adult behavior. He enjoys
feeling independent and will practice doing things
on his own without help. He recognizes himself in
photographs and loves showing off to an audience.

Bab nih..setakat merajuk tuh dia pandai lah..dia tahu bila kita marahkan dia..klu time dia merengek2 tuh..kita sound dia or marahkan dia..terus dia nangis lagik kuat..padan muka aku...and dia suka main toys sensorang..leka klu main toys tuh..

Learning : Month 17
He understands that objects have locations, remembers
where they belong and likes to put objects back where
he found them. He only places edible objects in his
mouth and now uses touch as his primarily means
of exploration and discovery.

He may recognize and tell you when he needs to
use the toilet and complain when he is wet or soiled.
He tries to copy adults and will imitate their behavior
and want to use objects associated with them, such
as turning the steering wheel of the car, or getting dressed to go out in the morning. He has a short attention span so may become distracted mid-task and leave what he is doing for a new activity. He thinks through and solves problems in his head as well as through trial and error.

This one sikit2 leh le..bab-bab tiru gaya..ok le skit2..klu dapat sikat..dia tahu le sikat tu untuk sikatkan rambut. Dia leh le sikatkan rambut dia sendiri..

What Your Baby Enjoys : Month 17
He loves finding hidden objects and will delight in
participating in a treasure hunt around the house.

He enjoys it when people praise him for “grown up”
behavior and he loves to copy adults. He likes
nursery rhymes and attempts to sing along.

Bab ni...klu dengar music..bontot goyang2..tangan goyang2..menari le tuh kiranye...klu kat TV bila lagu Barney and Bob the Builder kluar..sure mata tuh tak berkedip..klu kita terlindung pandangan dia..dia akan adjust duduk dia tok tengok gak lagu tuh...

Itulah Amani di umur 17 bulan....


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